About us

Centre for Education and Development (CED) is a non-governmental organization which works in the Municipality of Tearce region since December 2006. The organization has as a target group of young people 12 to 28 years, and to achieve its goals always activities including youth, teachers, parents, leaders of institutions and other leading organizations.According to its strategic plan, CED in the next three years as has its priorities: Reducing deviant behavior among young people, and that by organizing cultural and sports events, protection of the environment, through awareness raising activities of citizens, improving interethnic cooperation between the nationalities living in the region, organizing joint activities.


Young people have skills, knowledge, and attitudes to take on initiatives and build a healthy and developed community where different ethnicities peacefully coexist.

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CED invests in young people’s development through non-formal education, volunteerism and youth work fostering creative initiatives and mutual collaboration.

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main goals

The Association's main goals derive from its mission and vision. Within the fields of work, Education, Culture, Ecology and Institutional Development, CED will focus.

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What We Do


By its own definition, whereby education represents the entirety of spiritual features or qualities, mental and physical, cultural habits that one gains from the systematic influence of school, family or society. In a word education presents different skill benefits to learn and to work.

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By its own definition, whereby education represents the entirety of spiritual features or qualities, mental and physical, cultural habits that one gains from the systematic influence of school, family or society. In a word education presents different skill benefits to learn and to work.

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Since its foundation CED identified ecology as their scope. This need has come as a result of many activities and meetings with key people of the organization,
who have identified this area, and asked CED in the coming years to work in this program.

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Institutional development

Since its foundation CED identified ecology as their scope. This need has come as a result of many activities and meetings with key people of the organization,
who have identified this area, and asked CED in the coming years to work in this program.

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We create the things that we like to see outside, we love what
we do and work on projects that makes us better.


Today’s social media conscious society relies heavily on constant, coherent & creative communication with customers, clients & the masses.


Today’s social media conscious society relies heavily on constant, coherent & creative communication with customers, clients & the masses.

Projects implemented
Activities implemented
Participants trained
Participated in youth exchanges
Event beneficiaries





Volunteer from France

Ardita Asani

Project Coordinator


Volunteer from France

Diturim Xheladini

Project Coordinator

Ardonit Ismaili

Project Coordinator


Bean monument in Tearce

fotoBeansD 1A monument in honor of the Beans Day was erected in the village of Tearce, Tetovo region on 04.12.2020. The creator Ljubisa Kamenjarov, whose idea was to create a fusion of traditional and modern artistic expression, made the monument. On the one hand, he presents the beans as a long-standing and indigenous variety, the most famous and far famous in this area. On the other hand as a unique and promising Macedonian agricultural product with great potential for development and profitability.

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Training on Career Development 2020

FotoIC 1Centre for Education and Development - CED within Info Club Tetovo, in the framework of the project "RISE" - Network for Recourses, Information, Skills and Employability, a project funded by UNDP, and in cooperation with the Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences, organized a two-day training (6 and 7 November 2020). The training for career development was attended by all those interested who aimed at their professional development and knowledge reinforcement in terms of what each employer requires from his employees.

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Launching the campaign for protection of Shar Mountain

109925324 1620731974769067 8801432009246261632 o On 20.07.2020 The Center for Education and Development - CED in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) organized an online ZOOM meeting with NGOs on "Next communication steps in the process of declaring Sharr Mountain for a national park."

the Minister of MEPP, Representatives of UNEP, CED, Macedonian Ecological Society, as well as the Public Relations Office at the MEPP addressed the meeting.

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Info Club Tetovo 2020-2021

IClubfoto1Info Club, as part of the project "RISE" (Network for Resources, Information, Skills and Employability), financially supported by UNDP, since September has opened an office at the University of Southeast Europe, in Tetovo. This project will be implemented in cooperation with the University of Southeast Europe, specifically with the Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences (SEEU), where students of this university will have the opportunity to receive information through the office, which is located in this faculty.  Within the project activities are foreseen information meetings with different opportunities for students, trainings on different topics, such as career development, training and self-employment and other.


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"Kinema udhëtuese" në zonat rurale


Në periudhën prej 28.08.2020 deri më 09.09.2020, u organizuan 4 ngjarje në kuadër të aktivitetit "Kinema Udhëtuese" në zonat rurale në fshatrat Kamjan, Neproshten, Veshallë dhe Vratnicë. Qëllimi i ngjarjeve ishte promovimi i videos "Mali Shar - parku i ardhshëm kombëtar" (https://bit.ly/2Rx20R) dhe përmes një bisede joformale për të njohur popullatën me përfitimet e deklarimit të parkut kombëtar. Materiali promovues (maska mbrojtëse ​​dhe çanta) u shpërndanë në të gjitha ngjarjet dhe i gjithë procesi u diskutua me popullatën.

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„Патувачко кино“ во руралните средини

KinoWEbВо периодот од 28.08.2020 до 09.09.2020 беа организирани 4 настани во рамките на активноста „Патувачко кино“ во руралните средини во селата Камењане, Непроштено, Вешала и Вратница.

Целта на настаните беше промоција на видеото „Шар Планина – иден национален парк“ (https://bit.ly/2Rx20Rmи) и преку неформален разговор запознавање на населението со придобивките од прогласувањето на националниот парк. На сите настани се делеше промотивен материјал (заштитни маски и торбички) и се разговараше со населението за целиот процес.

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