“From Remembrance to Reconciliation” is a project that is being implemented by the Center for Education and Development, funded by Peace Action. The project aims to further develop the theme of conflict resolution and peace building. The project focuses on the Polog Region, while the target groups are high school youth and social science professors.
For the successful implementation of the project, a detailed analysis has been carried out which shows the importance of the topic of conflict resolution and peace building in the region of Polog, especially with special emphasis on the socialization of young people from different nationalities. The project affects the commemoration of the past, as something that must be overcome by building a new generation that will have the same challenges and overcome discriminations.
In the framework of the project, a two-day training was carried out with high school professors in social sciences, who were trained on the development of the topic of conflict resolution and peace building. Topics which they will plan their programs during their professional work. A two-day training was also held with high school students in the Polog Region. In this training, young people were trained on overcoming discrimination and building a multicultural society by overcoming differences.
At the end of the project, the book of commemorations from the project is expected to be published and the final conference will be held.
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