In the framework of cooperation with the German organization Friedenkreis from Halle in Germany, starting by October 2012 in the organization Centre for Education and Development - CED, for one year will be engaged volunteer Ronja Kindler.
This project is implemented in the framework of volunteerism as Weltwarts service, which intends participation and improving of intercultural competence as a key element for the creation of a personality through co-existence with people of other cultures and being confronted with different values, lifestyles and structure of thinking.
All of this motivation to engage aims the creation of peace, as well as help in the understanding of nationalities and peoples in global development.
During a Volunteering will work in the field of theater, with, children of Tearce Municipality, will have, the opportunity to participate in theater workshops and express their actor’s skills.
In addition to this element she will be included in all other activities which implement the CED organizations by years ago as those, environmental activities, capacity building and other cultural events.
When we asked why she chose exactly the CED Organization, Ronja responds: "I decided to come for a year in the CED, as I have always wanted to work with children. I appreciate the CED organization for giving me this opportunity, to develop my ability informally.
In this context, it is important for young people to recognize their skills and social values, so, the theater is a very good medium for expression. It is important for theater that, this method provides an opportunity for young people to discover and explore their personality, as well as teamwork helps, to improve the feeling of working in a group, "says Ronja.
Otherwise, Friedenkreis organization operates since 1990, and led a peaceful group, and their projects have the following objectives: Messenger of volunteers in different countries of the world, peace education, peaceful political commitment as well as other projects in different areas.
Full text interview with Ronja, you, will be able to read in the next issue of magazine- NGO’s magazine. >>READ HERE<<