Since August 2012, the Center for Education and Development (CED) is included in the “Republic of Youth” network, which has 59 participating organizations, and with time has grown into an initiative for the creation of the National Youth Council of the Republic of Macedonia.
This is supported by networks such as the Association of Supervisors, Red Cross of Macedonia and the European Youth Forum.
All organizations are committed to promoting youth organization and to distributing the youth voice by creating a platform for youth interests. The platform intends to foster youth participation and influence in decision-making at all levels in the country.
The first step was to launch the initiative in all cities around the country and an open invitation was given to all non-governmental organizations whose target groups were young. The second step, from October 25 to 28, was to hold an event, “Days of Youth Networking,” at Dojran in which representatives of 39 youth organizations in this country participated.
This event aimed to provide discussion and conclusions for defining models of national youth organizations in the Republic of Macedonia.
With the help of experts from the European Youth Forum and representatives of the Youth Council of Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Lithuania, representatives of youth organizations created a model, role, structure, mission and vision of the Youth Council of Macedonia.
They brought a clear consensus that this Council is required for all youth organizations, and it will contribute to their greater organizational and increased activity. On the last day the idea was promoted by the young forums of political parties, who supported the idea and agreed to assist in the implementation.
The Initiative Board was also created, and is composed of 16 youth organizations, including CED, that will organize frequent meetings, will work on the process of formation and will apply for projects. Meanwhile the process of forming the National Youth Council received financial support through the USAID Civil Society and will take 6 months time.
The plan is as follows:
– Mapping and motivating the youth organizations to engage in the process of formation of the National Youth Council
– Mobilizing youth and raising awareness about the need to establish a National Youth Council
– Recognizing and informing the public about the process of youth organizing and the formation of the National Youth Council.
The target groups are all young people in the Republic of Macedonia.
The process of promotion will include media campaigns, open days and conferences in major cities in Macedonia and roundtables where young people may express the problems they are facing. The last and most important step is the Founding Meeting of the National Youth Council.
The first panel that will present the progress will be held on February 26 at the locality of “Dare Dzambaz”,in Skopje.
The debate in Tetovo is planned for March 2013. The exact time and discussions will be determined at a later date, and the public will be notified . Also, we are asking for your mass participation because only together we can fight for a better future of youth.
>>pictures from the EVENT<<