Summer Camp “Rebels for Peace” in Trogen, Switzerland 2024 Summer Camp “Rebels for Peace” in Trogen, Switzerland 2024 Since 2010, the “Rebels for Peace” summer camp has been a highlight for young people from around the world. This year, from July 7 to July 20, twenty young people from North Macedonia participated in the 2024…
Category: Completed Projects

Civica Mobilitas, Final conference
Center for education and development – CED in cooperation and partnership with Forum CSRD – Skopje, for 18 months worked in implementation of the project “Networking and advocacy of local communities in RM”, financed from CIVICA MOBILITAS Programme. The goal of the project was to advance the process of decentralization in RM through networking and…

Social Entrepreneurship for change
Members of CED took part on Erasmus+ KA1 Training Course “Social Entrepreneurship for change” in Leipzig. Due to the current political and social situation in the world, Europe has faced the problem of huge waves of immigrants. In the face of such economic and social challenges, there is demand, especially for young people of migrant…

Erasmus+ KA1 – Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Teens
Erasmus+ KA1 – Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Teens The training course in the framework of Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility for youth workers, Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Teens, number 2016-2-RO01-KA105-025019, financed by the European Commission, was developed in Voronet, Romania, between 1 and 11 October 2017. The partners were: ARVIS – coordinator (Romania),…

Beans Day 2017 – 8th Edition
Every year, the Center for Education and Development (CED) brings the community together by celebrating one of the region’s most popular crops, beans. Not only does Beans Day celebrate the tradition and popularity of beans in the Polog region, but it also celebrates the cultures of the region. Hundreds of people from the region, the…

Study visit, Brussels
19.06.2015, Under the People to People component, from 9-11 June 2015, organized by TACSO Macedonia the president of CED, Mr. Metin Muaremi participated on a study visit on Fundamental freedoms and anti-discrimination to EU Institutions and CSOs based in Brussels together with 11 Macedonian CSOs active in the area of fundamental freedoms and anti-discrimination. Participants…

Creation of the National Youth Council
Since August 2012, the Center for Education and Development (CED) is included in the “Republic of Youth” network, which has 59 participating organizations, and with time has grown into an initiative for the creation of the National Youth Council of the Republic of Macedonia. This is supported by networks such as the Association of Supervisors,…

Certification ceremony, Basis of Youth Work
20 teachers and NGO activists from Municipality of Tearce successfully finished the Basis in community youth work course. CED implements this Course as local partner with British Council in the frame of Active Citizens project. Equal opportunities & diversity, unemployment, multi-ethnic cooperation and environmental protection were the main focus fields in the frame of which…

Civica Mobilitas, Final conference
Center for education and development – CED in cooperation and partnership with Forum CSRD – Skopje, for 18 months worked in implementation of the project “Networking and advocacy of local communities in RM”, financed from CIVICA MOBILITAS Programme. The goal of the project was to advance the process of decentralization in RM through networking and…

Launching the campaign for protection of Shar Mountain
On 20.07.2020 The Center for Education and Development – CED in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MEPP) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) organized an online ZOOM meeting with NGOs on “Next communication steps in the process of declaring Sharr Mountain for a national park.” the Minister of MEPP, Representatives…