“From Remembrance to Reconciliation” is a project that is being implemented by the Center for Education and Development, funded by Peace Action. The project aims to further develop the theme of conflict resolution and peace building. The project focuses on the Polog Region, while the target groups are high school youth and social science professors. For…
Category: News

‘Inter-religious Cooperation for a Sustainable Community’ NDI
“Inter-religious Cooperation for a Sustainable Community” is a project being carried out by the Center for Education and Development-CED with full support from NDI – North Macedonia. The project aims to promote inter-religious communication and cooperation in the Polog Region to reach a sustainable development of the community. The project comes as a result of the…

FACE OFF – the show that shows the face of reality in the country
Center for Education and Development has also brought innovations in terms of media. Using social media to identify problems, publish them and raise social and institutional awareness, CED has made it possible through the satirical show ‘FACE OFF’, with the support of the US Embassy in North Macedonia. The show ‘FACE OFF’ through episodes broadcast…

Training on Youth Advocacy
On 4th September 15 young people successfully completed the one-day advanced training dedicated to youth on Youth Advocacy, implemented by the Center for Education and Development-CED with the support of the National Youth Council of Macedonia and USAID. Main goal of the program is to train youth how to design an advocacy campaign and advocate…

Networking and advocacy of local and urban communion
Local and urban communions are the main cell in the immediate concretization, creating of the needs of citizens and their achievement. However, the constitutional framework and the law on local self-government have no mandatory provision for the establishment of local and urban communions and thus they are marginalized in the decentralization process. As the imperative…

Living together, Exchange in Trogen 2017
In the period 10.01.-24.01.2017, 40 children from different part of Macedonia, together with children from Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina participated on an international exchange in the Children Village Pestalozzi, Switzerland. For these two weeks the kids used to live together and learn through the different workshops delivered by the PCF coordinators. The aim of this…

Civica Mobilitas, Final conference
Center for education and development – CED in cooperation and partnership with Forum CSRD – Skopje, for 18 months worked in implementation of the project “Networking and advocacy of local communities in RM”, financed from CIVICA MOBILITAS Programme. The goal of the project was to advance the process of decentralization in RM through networking and…

Social Entrepreneurship for change
Members of CED took part on Erasmus+ KA1 Training Course “Social Entrepreneurship for change” in Leipzig. Due to the current political and social situation in the world, Europe has faced the problem of huge waves of immigrants. In the face of such economic and social challenges, there is demand, especially for young people of migrant…

Erasmus+ KA1 – Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Teens
Erasmus+ KA1 – Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Teens The training course in the framework of Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility for youth workers, Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders in Teens, number 2016-2-RO01-KA105-025019, financed by the European Commission, was developed in Voronet, Romania, between 1 and 11 October 2017. The partners were: ARVIS – coordinator (Romania),…

Beans Day 2017 – 8th Edition
Every year, the Center for Education and Development (CED) brings the community together by celebrating one of the region’s most popular crops, beans. Not only does Beans Day celebrate the tradition and popularity of beans in the Polog region, but it also celebrates the cultures of the region. Hundreds of people from the region, the…